How to Update Products


The Akeneo PIM project introduces services to help you manage your product entities.

The product updater allows to set values for many products, or copy a value to another value in many products

In the following examples, we will assume that we have a collection of one or many products in the variable $products. The collection can be fetched from the database or newly created with the pim_catalog.builder.product service.


The updater does not validate and persist the products in the database, these operations are detailed in specific chapters

Instantiate a new updater

The product updater is a service, you can fetch it from the container.

$updater = $this->getContainer()->get('pim_catalog.updater.product');

Use setters and copiers


In order to use setters you will need to use the ‘setValue()’ method. The first argument matches all the products you want to set a new value, the second argument is the attribute code, the third argument is the value to set (it has to be compliant with the attribute type). Then you can specify the locale and the scope (locale and scope must be used when the attribute is localizable or scopable).

    ->setValue($products, 'name', 'Akeneo T-Shirt (new)')
    ->setValue($products, 'description', 'Akeneo T-Shirt white with short sleeve (new)', 'en_US', 'ecommerce')
    ->setValue($products, 'price', [['data' => 101.2, 'currency' => 'USD']], 'en_US', 'mobile');


Copier mechanism is very close to the setter one, in order to use them you need to call the ‘copyValue()’ method. The first argument remains the same as setter, the second and the third arguments matches the code of the attributes (the second one matches to the copied argument and the third one correspond to the argument value destination, both of them have to be compliant and have to be supported by the copier).

    ->copyValue($products, 'description', 'description', 'en_US', 'en_US', 'ecommerce', 'mobile')

Add a custom setter

In order to use a custom setter you will need to implement Pim\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Updater\Setter\SetterInterface and create you custom logic in the setValue() method.

For example, if you want to implement your own number setter, you will need to declare this setter as a service:

    class: Acme\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Updater\Setter\CustomNumberValueSetter
        - @acme_catalog.builder.product
        - ['acme_catalog_number']
        - { name: 'acme_catalog.updater.setter' }

Don’t forget to add the supported attribute type(s) as a parameter. Here the setter only supports the ‘acme_catalog_number’ type.

Add a custom copier

In order to use a custom copier you will need to implement Pim\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Updater\Copier\CopierInterface and implement you custom logic in the copyValue() method.

For example, if you want to implement your own number setter, you will need to declare your copier as a service:

    class: Acme\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Updater\Copier\CustomNumberValueSetter
        - @acme_catalog.builder.product
        - ['acme_catalog_number']
        - { name: 'acme_catalog.updater.copier' }

Don’t forget to add the supported attribute type(s) as a parameter. Here the copier supports only the acme_catalog_number type.