More than 5 millions of product values?ΒΆ

Depending on your data volume (number of products, number of attributes per product, number of global attributes, localized or scopable attributes, number of locales, number of scopes, etc.), you will have to choose a strategy to store your products. Please read the following guide in order to so:

Depending on your data volume (number of products, number of attributes per product, number of basic, localized or scopable attributes, number of locales, number of scopes, etc.) you will have to choose between the following database server configurations:

  • Full SQL database with MySQL
  • Hybrid SQL storage with MySQL and MongoDB

To make an educated choice you should try to find out how many product values your database will store. For example, for one product:

  • A simple attribute will generate only one product value
  • A localized attribute will generate as many product values as you have locales enabled
  • A scopable attribute will generate as many product values as you have channels
  • A localizable and scopable attribute will generate: (number of enabled locales * number of channels) product values

Here is the complete formula to check if you have, by far, more product values than the recommended threshold that MySQL can manage alone:

N products * (
    N simple attributes
    + ( N localized attributes * N enabled locales )
    + ( N scopable attributes * N existing channels )
    + ( N scopable AND localizable attributes * N enabled locales * N existing channels )
) > 5 Millions


In order to prevent any performance issue, you should use the hybrid storage. In version 1.4.0 to 1.4.12 it is strongly recommended to use it together with the DirectToMongoDBBundle, which offers a way faster saving strategy.

In 1.4.13 the behavior implemented in this bundle became the native one, so no extra bundle is needed to improve your hybrid storage installation.