How to Query Products


The Akeneo PIM project introduces services to help you manage your product objects.

The ProductQueryBuilder (PQB) allows you to build and execute complex queries with a simple API.

In Akeneo PIM, products can be stored and accessed through Doctrine ORM (EAV like model) or Doctrine MongoBDODM (Document model).

The PQB aims to abstract the used persistence storage to provide the same operations in both cases.

Instantiate a new product query builder

The product query builder factory is a service, you can fetch it from the container.

// product query builder factory
$pqbFactory = $this->container->get('pim_catalog.query.product_query_builder_factory');
// returns a new instance of product query builder
$pqb = $pqbFactory->create(['default_locale' => 'en_US', 'default_scope' => 'ecommerce']);

Build a query

Add filters:

    // You can filter on a field by id
    ->addFilter('', 'IN', [1, 2])
    // Or filter using codes by adding the '.code' suffix
    ->addFilter('groups.code', 'IN', ['shirts'])
    // filter on sku which is not localizable and not scopable
    ->addFilter('sku', 'CONTAINS', 'akeneo')
    // filter on name which is localizable, the default locale is used, here 'en_US'
    ->addFilter('name', '=', 'My product name')
    // filter on description which is localizable and scopable by using 'fr_FR' locale and 'mobile' scope
    ->addFilter('description', 'STARTS WITH', 'My desc', ['locale' => 'fr_FR', 'scope' => 'mobile'])
    // filter on price
    ->addFilter('price', '>', ['data' => 70, 'currency' => 'EUR'])
    // filter on metric
    ->addFilter('weight', '<', ['data' => 1, 'unit' => 'KILOGRAM']);

Add sorters:

    ->addSorter('family', 'ASC')
    ->addSorter('price', 'DESC')
    // sort by completeness, the locale and scope is expected, if not provided, the default one are used
    ->addSorter('completeness', 'DESC', ['locale' => 'fr_FR', 'scope' => 'mobile']);

Execute the query

// will return a `Cursor` on the products collection
$products = $pqb->execute();

Know the usable filters

To help you know which filters are available for your installation, you can run the following command:

php app/console pim:product:query-help

Add a custom filter

Filters are tagged services (implementing FilterInterface), they are registered in a registry (QueryFilterRegistryInterface).

The PQB uses the registry to resolve the filter to use.

A filter can be used on field (means on doctrine fields of product mapping as id, family, etc) or on attribute (means on product value, as a sku, a name, etc).

To add your own filter, you need to create a class implementing Pim\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Query\Filter\FieldFilterInterface and/or Pim\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Query\Filter\AttributeFilterInterface and declare a service as:

    class: %my_filter_class%
        - ['pim_catalog_boolean']
        - ['enabled']
        - ['=']
        - { name: 'pim_catalog.doctrine.query.filter', priority: 30 }

Here we define a boolean filter which supports ‘=’ operator and can be applied on ‘enabled’ field or on an attribute with ‘pim_catalog_boolean’ type.

Add a custom sorter

Sorter implementation mechanism is very close to the filter one, another registry, the interface PimBundleCatalogBundleQuerySorterSorterInterface to implement and a tagged service to declare as:

    class: %pim_catalog.doctrine.query.sorter.completeness.class%
        - { name: 'pim_catalog.doctrine.query.sorter', priority: 30 }