How to change the validation rule to match a reference file to an asset

This cookbook is about a feature only provided in the Enterprise Edition.

To add files to assets in Akeneo we use a simple mapping strategy to match a filename to a product asset. As an integrator you can customize this rule to fit your own needs.

Let’s say that we only have localizable assets in US english and want to add a suffix to every file we import and remove the 3 first letters of their names.

Override the UploadChecker

First, we will override the UploadChecker to be able to provide our own ParsedFilenameInterface implementation.

    pimee_product_asset.upload_checker.class: Acme\CustomBundle\ProductAsset\Upload\UploadChecker

We can now create our own ParsedFilename:


namespace Acme\CustomBundle\ProductAsset\Upload;

use PimEnterprise\Component\ProductAsset\Upload\UploadChecker as BaseUploadChecker;

class UploadChecker extends BaseUploadChecker
     * @param string $filename
     * @return ParsedFilenameInterface
    public function getParsedFilename($filename)
        return new ParsedFilename($this->locales, $filename);

Implement the custom logic

You can now implement your own custom logic in your own ParsedFilenameInterface implementation:


namespace Acme\CustomBundle\ProductAsset\Upload;

use PimEnterprise\Component\ProductAsset\Upload\ParsedFilename as BaseParsedFilename;
use Pim\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Model\LocaleInterface;

 * @see FilenameParserInterface
class ParsedFilename extends BaseParsedFilename
     * @param LocaleInterface[] $availableLocales
     * @param                   $rawFilename
    public function __construct(array $availableLocales, $rawFilename)
        $this->rawFilename      = $rawFilename;
        $this->availableLocales = $availableLocales;


     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function parseRawFilename($rawFilename)
        if (preg_match('/^(?P<name>[0-9a-z-_]+)\.(?P<extension>[0-9a-z]+)$/i', $rawFilename, $matches)) {
            $customName = substr($matches['name'], 3) . '_custom_suffix';

            $this->assetCode  = strlen($matches['name']) > 0 ? $customName : null;
            $this->localeCode = 'en_US';
            $this->extension  = $matches['extension'];

You can now imagine implement your own logic and customize this rule as you want.