How to add a custom action in the rule engine

Quick Overview

This cookbook is about a feature only provided in the Enterprise Edition.

This cookbook assumes that you already created a new bundle to add your custom rule. Let’s assume its namespace is Acme\CustomBundle.

Create a custom action

In this cookbook we are going to see how to add a custom action in the rule engine. For this example, the goal of this rule is to concatenate attributes name, price and total megapixels into the description field.

First let’s see how to add the action. You need to override PimEnterpriseBundleCatalogRuleBundleEngineProductRuleApplier service that will contain the logic:


namespace Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Engine\ProductRuleApplier;

use Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Model\ProductPatternActionInterface;
use Akeneo\Bundle\RuleEngineBundle\Model\RuleInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Util\ClassUtils;
use Pim\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Model\ProductInterface;
use PimEnterprise\Bundle\CatalogRuleBundle\Engine\ProductRuleApplier\ProductsUpdater as BaseProductsUpdater;
use PimEnterprise\Bundle\CatalogRuleBundle\Model\ProductCopyValueActionInterface;
use PimEnterprise\Bundle\CatalogRuleBundle\Model\ProductSetValueActionInterface;

class ProductsUpdater extends BaseProductsUpdater
     * @param ProductInterface[] $products
     * @param RuleInterface      $rule
    public function updateFromRule(array $products, RuleInterface $rule)
        $actions = $rule->getActions();
        foreach ($actions as $action) {
            if ($action instanceof ProductSetValueActionInterface) {
                $this->applySetAction($products, $action);
            } elseif ($action instanceof ProductCopyValueActionInterface) {
                $this->applyCopyAction($products, $action);
            } elseif ($action instanceof ProductPatternActionInterface) {
                $this->applyPatternAction($products, $action);
            } else {
                throw new \LogicException(
                    sprintf('The action "%s" is not supported yet.', ClassUtils::getClass($action))

     * Applies a pattern action on a subject set.
     * @param ProductInterface[]            $products
     * @param ProductPatternActionInterface $action
     * @return ProductRuleApplier
    public function applyPatternAction(array $products = [], ProductPatternActionInterface $action)
        $attributes = $action->getAttributes();
        $pattern    = $action->getPattern();

        foreach ($products as $product) {
            $result = $pattern;

            foreach ($attributes as $attributeCode) {
                $value = $product->getValue($attributeCode);

                $content = null === $value ? '' : (string) $value;
                $result = str_replace('%%' . $attributeCode . '%%', $content, $result);


Then we need to create the object that will handle the data.


namespace Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Model;

use Akeneo\Bundle\RuleEngineBundle\Model\ActionInterface;
use PimEnterprise\Component\CatalogRule\Model\ProductAddActionInterface;

class ProductPatternAction implements ProductPatternActionInterface
    /** @var string */
    protected $field;

    /** @var array */
    protected $attributes = [];

    /** @var string */
    protected $pattern;

    /** @var array */
    protected $options = [];

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getField()
        return $this->field;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setField($field)
        $this->field = $field;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getOptions()
        return $this->options;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setOptions(array $options = [])
        $this->options = $options;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getImpactedFields()
        return [$this->getField()];

     * @return array
    public function getAttributes()
        return $this->attributes;

     * @return array
    public function getPattern()
        return $this->pattern;

     * @param array $attributes
     * @return ProductAddActionInterface
    public function setAttributes(array $attributes = [])
        $this->attributes = $attributes;

     * @param string $pattern
     * @return ProductAddActionInterface
    public function setPattern($pattern)
        $this->pattern = $pattern;


namespace Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Model;

use Akeneo\Bundle\RuleEngineBundle\Model\ActionInterface;
use PimEnterprise\Bundle\CatalogRuleBundle\Model\FieldImpactActionInterface;

interface ProductPatternActionInterface extends ActionInterface, FieldImpactActionInterface
    const ACTION_TYPE = 'pattern';

     * @return string
    public function getField();

     * @param string $field
     * @return ProductPatternActionInterface
    public function setField($field);

     * @return array
    public function getOptions();

     * @param array $options
     * @return ProductPatternActionInterface
    public function setOptions(array $options = []);

     * @return array
    public function getAttributes();

     * @param array $attributes
     * @return ProductPatternActionInterface
    public function setAttributes(array $attributes = []);

     * @return string
    public function getPattern();

     * @param string $pattern
     * @return ProductPatternActionInterface
    public function setPattern($pattern);

We also need to create a denormalizer that will return our previous object that handles the data. It will convert the array into an object (needed for the import).


namespace Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Denormalizer\ProductRule;

use Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Model\ProductPatternAction;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\GetSetMethodNormalizer;

class PatternActionDenormalizer extends GetSetMethodNormalizer
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function denormalize($data, $class, $format = null, array $context = [])
        return parent::denormalize($data, 'Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Model\ProductPatternAction');

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function supportsDenormalization($data, $type, $format = null)
        return isset($data['type']) && ProductPatternAction::ACTION_TYPE === $data['type'];

For our example we need to create an ExistingAttributeValidator that will check if the attributes provided in the rule file exist. It will raise a violation and skip this item if not.


namespace Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Validator\Constraints;

use Pim\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Repository\AttributeRepositoryInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidator;

class ExistingAttributesValidator extends ConstraintValidator
    /** @var AttributeRepositoryInterface */
    protected $attributeRepository;

     * @param AttributeRepositoryInterface $attributeRepository
    public function __construct(AttributeRepositoryInterface $attributeRepository)
        $this->attributeRepository = $attributeRepository;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function validate($attributes, Constraint $constraint)
        foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
            if (null === $this->attributeRepository->findOneByIdentifier($attribute)) {
                $this->context->buildViolation($constraint->message, ['%attribute%' => $attribute])->addViolation();

Here is the constraint message and its associated validation file:


namespace Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Validator\Constraints;

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;

class ExistingAttributes extends Constraint
    /** @var string */
    public $message = 'There are no attributes with such code : "%attribute%"';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function validatedBy()
        return 'pimee_constraint_attributes_validator';
            - Type:
                type: array
            - NotBlank:
                message: The key "attributes" is missing or empty.
            - \Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Validator\Constraints\ExistingAttributes: ~
           - Type:
                type: string
           - NotBlank: ~
           - Length:
               max: 255

Don’t forget to add these classes in your service definition and to tag them with the proper tag

    pimee_catalog_rule.applier.product.updater.class: Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Engine\ProductRuleApplier\ProductsUpdater

        class: Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\ActionApplier\PatternActionApplier
            - '@pim_catalog.updater.product_property_setter'
            - { name: akeneo_rule_engine.action_applier, priority: 100 }

        class: Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Denormalizer\ProductRule\PatternActionDenormalizer
            - { name: 'pimee_catalog_rule.denormalizer.product_rule' }

        class: Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Validator\Constraints\ExistingAttributesValidator
            - '@pim_catalog.repository.attribute'
            - { name: validator.constraint_validator, alias: pimee_constraint_attributes_validator }

    # you need to override this service to register your denormalizer
        class: %pimee_catalog_rule.denormalizer.product_rule.chained.class%
            - [addDenormalizer, ['@pimee_catalog_rule.denormalizer.product_rule.condition']]
            - [addDenormalizer, ['@pimee_catalog_rule.denormalizer.product_rule.set_value_action']]
            - [addDenormalizer, ['@pimee_catalog_rule.denormalizer.product_rule.copy_value_action']]
            - [addDenormalizer, ['@pimee_catalog_rule.denormalizer.product_rule.content']]
            - [addDenormalizer, ['@pimee_catalog_rule.denormalizer.product_rule']]
            - [addDenormalizer, ['@acme.denormalizer.product_rule.pattern_action']]

    # you need to override this service to register your action
        class: %pimee_catalog_rule.denormalizer.product_rule.content.class%
            - %akeneo_rule_engine.model.rule.class%
            - %pimee_catalog_rule.model.product_condition.class%
            - copy_value: %pimee_catalog_rule.model.copy_value_action.class%
              set_value: %pimee_catalog_rule.model.set_value_action.class%
              pattern: Acme\Bundle\CustomBundle\Model\ProductPatterAction

Here is an example of how you could write a rule.

        priority: 0
                field: family.code
                operator: IN
                    - camcorders
                type: pattern
                field: description
                    - name
                    - price
                    - total_megapixels
                pattern: '%%name%% -- %%price%% -- %%total_megapixels%%'
                    scope: ecommerce
                    locale: en_US