How to Add Translation PacksΒΆ

Akeneo PIM UI is translated through Crowdin (feel free to Translate the User Interface!).

Once a week, new translation keys are pushed to Crowdin, and new validated translations are pulled from our Github repository.

Akeneo PIM contains translation packs for all languages with more than 80% of translated keys. You can change this behavior by following this guide How to change the PIM locale.

Once a new minor or patch version has been tagged, the new translations are available.

You can directly download translation packs from Crowdin.

The Akeneo PIM archive will contain Community and Enterprise directories.

To add a pack you have to:

  • rename the directories by following the rule src/Pim/Bundle/EnrichBundle to PimEnrichBundle
  • move this directory to app/Resources/
  • run php app/console oro:translation:dump fr de en --env=prod (if you use en, fr and de locales)
  • run php app/console cache:clear --env=prod