How to Programmatically Manipulate Products


The Akeneo PIM project introduces services to help you manage your product entities.

As stated above, the product and attribute managers are services you can get from the symfony container:

// product manager

// attribute manager

In the following examples, we will use $pm as the product manager object, $am - attribute manager object.

Create an Attribute

  • Create a text attribute
// create an attribute
$attribute = $am->createAttribute('pim_catalog_text');

  • Create a simple select attribute

In some cases, you will want to restrain values to a list of possibilities for an attribute. For instance, this example creates a color attribute with a list of predefined options:

$att = $am->createAttribute('pim_catalog_simpleselect');

$opt1 = $am->createAttributeOption();

$opt2 = $am->createAttributeOption();

$opt3 = $am->createAttributeOption();
  • Create a simple select attribute with localizable values

Keeping the color example, the value of the option purple is “Purple” in English and “Violet” in French.

$opt1 = $am->createAttributeOption();

$opt1EN = $am->createAttributeOptionValue();

$opt1FR = $am->createAttributeOptionValue();

  • Create a localizable attribute
// create a localizable attribute
$attribute = $am->createAttribute('pim_catalog_text');
  • Create a scopable attribute
// create a scopable attribute
$attribute = $am->createAttribute('pim_catalog_text');
  • Create a localizable AND scopable attribute
// create a localizable and scopable attribute
$attribute = $am->createAttribute('pim_catalog_textarea');

Create a Product

// create a product
$product = $pm->createProduct();

Enrich a Product

  • Create a new value
$productValue = $pm->createProductValue();
  • Update a text Value
$product->getValue('title')->setData('My product title');

$productValue = $product->getValue('sku');
$sku = (string) $product->getValue('sku')->getData();
  • Update an Option Value
echo $product->getValue()->getData(); // returns [purple]
  • Update a Localized Value

A product can have different values depending of the locale. With the locales en_US and fr_FR already existing:

$product->getValue('name', 'en_US')->setData('My name');
$product->getValue('name', 'fr_FR')->setData('Mon nom');

echo $product->getValue('name')->getData(); // returns "My name"

echo $product->getValue('name')->getData(); // returns "Mon nom"
  • Set Scopable Value

Akeneo PIM is a multi-channel application so you can define different scopes to use. We the channels (scope) ecommerce and mobile already existing:

$product->getValue('image_hd', null, 'ecommerce')->setData('my_ecommerce_image');
$product->getValue('image_hd', null, 'mobile')->setData('my_mobile_image');


$product->getValue('image_hd')->getData(); // returns "my_ecommerce_image"

$product->getValue('image_hd')->getData(); // returns "my_mobile_image"
  • Set Localizable and Scopable Value
$product->getValue('short_description', 'en_US', 'ecommerce')->setData('Ecommerce and en_US');
$product->getValue('short_description', 'en_US', 'mobile')->setData('Mobile and en_US');
$product->getValue('short_description', 'fr_FR', 'ecommerce')->setData('Ecommerce et fr_FR');
$product->getValue('short_description', 'fr_FR', 'mobile')->setData('Mobile et fr_FR');


echo $product->getValue('short_description'); // returns "Ecommerce and en_US"

Get a Product

$product = $pm->find($myProductId);

Save a Product
