Import and Export data
#Attribute data structure
#Data structure
The import/export file follows this data structure:
Property name | Default value | Required for | Special validation rules |
code | all types | Must be unique
Must only contain letters, numbers and underscores
Must be less than 255 characters long
Cannot be one of: id, associationTypes, categories, categoryId, completeness, enabled, family, groups, associations, products, scope, treeId, values, category, parent, label, entity_type
Cannot end with “_products” or “_groups”
type | all types | Must be a valid type (see table below) | |
label-<locale_code> | |||
group | all types | Must be a valid attribute group code | |
unique | 0 | ||
useable_as_grid_filter | 0 | ||
allowed_extensions | Must be a subset of extensions set in the parameters pim_catalog_image_allowed_extensions (for images)
or pim_catalog_file_allowed_extensions (for files)
metric_family | metric | Must be a valid metric family (see MeasureBundle measures) | |
default_metric_unit | metric | Must be a valid metric unit and must be part of the specified metric_family (see MeasureBundle measures) | |
reference_data_name | reference data | Must be a valid reference data code (see Configuring the Reference Data) | |
available_locales | Must be a list of valid and activated locales | ||
max_characters | Must be a positive integer
Cannot be more than 255 for texts, or 65535 for textareas
validation_rule | Must be one of: email, url, regexp | ||
validation_regexp | Must be a valid PERL regular expression | ||
wysiwyg_enabled | |||
number_min | Must be lower than number_max | ||
number_max | Must be greater than number_min | ||
decimals_allowed | number, metric, price collection | ||
negative_allowed | number, metric | ||
date_min | Must be lower than date_max | ||
date_max | Must be greater than date_min | ||
max_file_size | Must be between 0.01 and 9999.99 (in MB) | ||
minimum_input_length | |||
sort_order | 0 | Must be a positive integer | |
localizable | 0 | Must be false if the attribute is unique | |
scopable | 0 | Must be false if the attribute is unique |
File example:
type;code;label-en_US;label-fr_FR;group;unique;useable_as_grid_filter;allowed_extensions;metric_family;default_metric_unit;reference_data_name;localizable;scopable;decimals_allowed;negative_allowed pim_catalog_identifier;sku;SKU;SKU;marketing;1;1;;;;;0;0;; pim_catalog_text;name;Name;Nom;marketing;0;1;;;;;0;0;; pim_catalog_textarea;description;Description;Description;marketing;0;1;;;;;1;1;; pim_catalog_number;optical_zoom;Optical zoom;Zoom optique;technical;0;1;;;;;0;0;0;0 pim_catalog_boolean;image_stabilizer;Image stabilizer;Stabilisateur d'image;technical;0;1;;;;;0;0;; pim_catalog_simpleselect;sensor_type;Sensor type;Type de capteur;technical;0;1;;;;;0;0;; pim_catalog_multiselect;multifunctional_functions;All-in-one functions;Fonctions tout-en-un;technical;0;1;;;;;0;0;; pim_catalog_date;release_date;Release date;Date de sortie;marketing;0;1;;;;;0;1;; pim_catalog_metric;weight;Weight;Poids;technical;0;1;;Weight;KILOGRAM;;0;0;1;0 pim_catalog_price_collection;price;Price;Prix;marketing;0;1;;;;;0;0;1; pim_catalog_image;picture;Picture;Photographie;media;0;1;jpg,jpeg,gif;;;;0;0;; pim_catalog_file;pdf_description;PDF description;Description PDF;media;0;1;pdf;;;;0;0;;
#Attribute types
Attribute type | Description |
pim_catalog_identifier | It is the unique product’s identifier. The catalog can contain only one. |
pim_catalog_text | Text |
pim_catalog_textarea | Long text |
pim_catalog_boolean | Yes/No |
pim_catalog_number | Number (integer and float) |
pim_catalog_simpleselect | Simple choice list |
pim_catalog_multiselect | Multiple choice list |
pim_catalog_date | Date |
pim_catalog_metric | Metric. It consists of a value and a unit (a weight for example). |
pim_catalog_price_collection | Collection of prices. Each price contains a value and a currency. |
pim_catalog_image | Image |
pim_catalog_file | File |
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