Install Akeneo PIM
#System Requirements
Here is the list of system requirements that should be fulfilled to be able to install Akeneo PIM.
Operating Systems
Akeneo PIM only works on Linux servers. The application’s behaviour has been tested on several operating systems. We cannot guarantee the behaviour of the application on servers different from:
Debian (Linux) | ≥ 9 (64 bits) |
Ubuntu (Linux) | ≥ 16.04 (64 bits) |
CentOS / RHEL* (Linux) | ≥ 7 |
- RHEL stands for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Web server and configuration
We can only guarantee the behaviour on the following web server:
Apache web server | ≥ 2.4 |
The web server will also need the following libraries and modules:
mod rewrite | Required |
mod-fastcgi | Required (no CGI nor libmod-php) |
PHP required modules and configuration
PHP | 7.1 |
php-apcu | apc.enable_cli=1 |
php7.1-bcmath | No specific configuration |
php7.1-curl | No specific configuration |
php7.1-fpm | No specific configuration |
php7.1-gd | No specific configuration |
php7.1-intl | No specific configuration |
php7.1-mcrypt | No specific configuration |
php7.1-mysql | No specific configuration |
php7.1-soap | No specific configuration |
php7.1-xml | No specific configuration |
php7.1-zip | No specific configuration |
php-exif | No specific configuration |
php7.1-imagick | No specific configuration |
function exec() is required in order to handle data import/export, check if it hasn’t been disabled in your php.ini.
Besides these modules, the following configuration is the minimal configuration required:
- Setup CLI php.ini file
$ sudo vim /etc/php/7.1/cli/php.ini
memory_limit = 1024M
date.timezone = Etc/UTC
Use the time zone matching your location, for example America/Los_Angeles or Europe/Berlin. See for the list of all available timezones.
- Setup FPM php.ini file
If you have several PHP versions on your server, these files can be located in /etc/php/x.x/fpm/php.ini
and /etc/php/x.x/cli/php.ini
$ sudo vim /etc/php/7.1/fpm/php.ini
memory_limit = 512M
date.timezone = Etc/UTC
To avoid spending too much time on permission problems between the CLI user and the FPM user, a good practice is to use the same user for both of them.
This configuration is aimed to easily set up a development machine. It is absolutely not suited for a production environment.
- Get your identifiers
$ id
uid=1000(my_user), gid=1000(my_group), ...
In this example, the user is my_user and the group is my_group.
- Stop FPM
$ sudo service php7.1-fpm stop
- Open the file
with your favorite text editor:
$ sudo vi /etc/php/7.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
# replace these environment variables:
user = my_user
group = my_group
listen = /run/php/php7.1-fpm.sock
listen.user = www-data = www-data
On the default installation, FPM user and group are www-data
must be set on the same user than your Apache server.
is the default socket path. If you changed it in /etc/php/7.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
, change it in the Apache virtual host too.
- Restart FPM
$ sudo systemctl restart php7.1-fpm
Extra dependencies
Image magick | ≥ 6.8 |
nodejs | ≥ 6.11.0 - 8.2.1 |
yarn | ≥ 1.0.0 |
Database server
MySQL (SQL) | >= 5.7.8 and < 8.0 |
To use this database you will also require the distribution package:
mysql-server | Required |
and the following PHP modules:
php7.1-mysql | Required |
Search engine
Elasticsearch | 5.5 or 5.6 |
and the following Java Runtime Environment version
openjdk-8-jre-headless | Required |
The following ports should be opened on the server host for the PIM to work properly:
HTTP or HTTPS | 80 or 443 | Required |
MySQL | unix socket or 3306 (if MySQL server on a different host) | Required |
Elasticsearch | 9200 | Required |
SSH | 22 | Required (for deployment) |
Files and folders access rights
Most of the application folders and files require only read access. Here is a list of folders that also need write access for the FPM user:
var/cache | Contains application cache files |
var/logs | Contains application log files |
var/uploads | Contains files uploaded to the application by users or during import processes |
web | Contains the web assets required by the application |
These permissions are the ones required by the Symfony Framework (see its official documentation for more information).
Akeneo PIM application uses an abstraction layer called Flysystem to store media and files uploaded from the application. By default, Flysystem is configured to store these files on the application server, but this configuration can easily be changed in favor of, for example, a distributed remote storage system (see Flysystem documentation for more information).
The var/uploads
folder could be located elsewhere depending on the configuration you defined in the parameters.yml
of your Akeneo PIM application instance.
Please note that neither the Apache user or the CLI should be the root user of the system.
URL root path
We do not support Akeneo PIM in a non-root configuration. For example is not supported whereas or are supported. We strongly recommend to access the PIM through a root URL. Some parts of the application may misbehave when accessed through a subpath.
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