Manipulate the Akeneo PIM data

#How to Query Non-Product Objects


The Akeneo PIM project introduces services to help you manage your objects.

Product is the main object of the application and has a large set of services to build and execute queries.

For all other simpler objects (such as Attribute, Family, Category, Channel, Locale etc), we use quite common Doctrine repositories.

#Instantiate an ObjectRepository

Doctrine is widely used in the application for persisting and reading information to and from a database.

For each object, a repository which implements Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectRepository is provided.

These classes embed the logic to build and execute queries and are defined as services that you can fetch from the container.

$attributeRepository = $this->getContainer()->get('pim_catalog.repository.attribute');
$categoryRepository  = $this->getContainer()->get('pim_catalog.repository.category');
$localeRepository    = $this->getContainer()->get('pim_catalog.repository.locale');
// ...

#Use an ObjectRepository

Each repository dedicated to a common object provides methods from the interface Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectRepository.

The following methods are available.

// Finds an object by its primary key / identifier.
public function find($id);

// Finds all objects in the repository.
public function findAll();

// Finds objects by a set of criteria.
public function findBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null, $limit = null, $offset = null);

// Finds a single object by a set of criteria.
public function findOneBy(array $criteria);

Don’t hesitate to have a look at Doctrine documentation for further information.

Each dedicated repository also implements its own business interface, for instance, Akeneo\Pim\Structure\Component\Repository\AttributeRepositoryInterface.

This business interface provides several dedicated methods and we strongly recommend to rely on this interface in your developments.

$attributeCode = $attributeRepository->getIdentifierCode();
$categories    = $categoryRepository->getAllChildrenIds($myCategory);
$locales       = $localeRepository->getActivatedLocales();
// ...

In your own developments, you should always put the code which builds and executes queries in your own repositories.

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