Akeneo Onboarder


All the Prerequisites listed below have to be fulfilled before the installation step.




Your Akeneo PIM is an enterprise edition

Your Akeneo PIM version is >= 5.0


The Onboarder parameters are available on your Partner Portal project page

You are able to launch a daemonized command in your server (a process that needs to be always started)

The HTTP traffic must be allowed on port 443 for the google pubsub api pubsub.googleapis.com

The HTTP traffic must be allowed on port 443 for the google storage api www.googleapis.com


The Onboarder is compatible with the enterprise edition of the PIM starting 5.0 version.


#Parameters package

The parameters provided on the Partner Portal must contain:

  • A downloadable serviceAccount.json file that contains authentication values to be able to use the Google PubSub and Google Cloud Storage services.

  • Several environments variables values that you will configure in the install process in order to communicate with Google Cloud PubSub instance

    • FLAG_ONBOARDER_ENABLED: the feature flag that allows the activation of the Retailer Onboarder

    • ONBOARDER_TOPIC_NAME_FOR_PUBLICATION_TO_MIDDLEWARE: the topic into wich Akeneo PIM will publish synchronization messages to middleware

    • ONBOARDER_TOPIC_NAME_FOR_PUBLICATION_TO_ONBOARDER: the topic into wich Akeneo PIM will publish synchronization messages to supplier onboarder

    • ONBOARDER_TOPIC_NAME_FOR_CONSUMPTION: the topic Akeneo PIM will subscribe to

    • ONBOARDER_QUEUE_NAME: the queue Akeneo PIM will consume synchronization messages from

    • ONBOARDER_CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME: the name of the bucket where the assets will be synchronized

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