Install Akeneo PIM

#Install Akeneo PIM for development with Docker

#System requirements

#Setting up your host user

The PIM is shared with the containers as a volume.

The PIM root is available as /srv/pim inside the containers.

These containers all have a default user with 1000:1000 as UID:GID. So, on Linux hosts, it is mandatory that the user of your host machine has 1000:1000 as UID and GID too. Otherwise you’ll end up with a non-working PIM.

You won’t face this problem on Mac OS and Windows hosts, as those systems use a VM between the host and Docker, which already operates with appropriate UID/GID.

#Configuring you package manager

Composer and Yarn caches are shared between the host and the containers to accelerate the installation of Akeneo PIM dependencies.

The default values defined in docker-compose.yml match the default values for the composer and yarn directories:
  • Composer: ~/.composer

  • Composer cache directory: ~/.cache/composer

  • Yarn: ~/.cache/yarn

On some older versions of Composer, the default cache director can be located at ~/.composer/cache

If you are using non standard directories for Composer and Yarn, set the following environment variables:

#Creating the PIM project

#Community Edition

The following command will create a PIM project in the current directory. Please note this directory must be empty.

$ mkdir pim
$ cd pim
$ docker run -ti -u www-data --rm \
    -v $(pwd):/srv/pim -v ~/.composer:/var/www/.composer -w /srv/pim \
    akeneo/pim-php-dev:6.0 php /usr/local/bin/composer create-project \
    akeneo/pim-community-standard /srv/pim "6.0.*@stable"

Alternatively, you can download an archive of Akeneo PIM CE containing all the PHP dependencies here:

#Enterprise Edition

You need to get a PIM Enterprise Standard archive from the Partners Portal. See Portal documentation

$ tar -xvzf pim-enterprise-standard-v6.0.tar.gz
$ cd pim-enterprise-standard
$ docker run -ti -u www-data --rm \
    -v $(pwd):/srv/pim -v ~/.ssh:/var/www/.ssh -w /srv/pim \
    akeneo/pim-php-dev:6.0 php /usr/local/bin/composer install

The above Docker command uses a volume to make your SSH private key available to the container, in order for it to access the distribution server.

If you are using a SSH Agent, you can as well provide a volume to access your SSH Agent from the container:

$ docker run -ti -u www-data -v $(pwd):/srv/pim -v $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/ssh-auth.sock -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-auth.sock -w /srv/pim --rm akeneo/pim-php-dev:6.0 \
    /usr/local/bin/composer install

See–ssh-agent for more details.

#Launching the PIM in dev mode

All make commands must be run from the PIM root directory, either created by the archive or from the composer create project above.

make dev

Once this command is finished, the PIM is accessible on http://localhost:8080/

#Launching the PIM in prod mode

$ make prod

Once this command is finished, the PIM is accessible on http://localhost:8080/

#Stopping the PIM

$ make down

As the database lives inside the MySQL container, stopping it will remove all your data. You can add a docker-composer.override.yml in order to have a dedicated volume for your MySQL data outside (/var/lib/mysql) of the container, in order to persist them. Same note applies as well on the Elasticsearch container (/usr/share/elasticsearch/data).

#Install and run Akeneo

#Configuring Akeneo

Akeneo PIM is configured with environment variables. The Symfony documentation explains how to use them.

#Running jobs

Akeneo PIM implements a queue for the Import and Export data jobs, as a PHP daemon. This daemon is a Symfony command, that can only execute one job at a time. It does not consume any other job until the job is finished.

You can launch several daemons to allow the execution of several jobs in parallel. A daemon checks the queue every second and executes the next job in the queue.

To launch a daemon, run the following command:

APP_ENV=dev make start-job-worker

If you want to execute only one job:

APP_ENV=dev make start-job-worker O="--limit=1"

Before stopping or destroying your containers, remember to first stop this daemon if you launched it in the background, or you’ll end up with a stuck FPM container, and will need to completely restart Docker. Please note that this command sends a stop signal to all the consumers. If a job is running while the stop signal is sent, the consumer will wait for the end of the running job before ending.

make stop-workers


Xdebug is disabled by default, by setting the Xdebug mode to off.

You can change the mode via the XDEBUG_MODE environment variable.

See Xdebug modes documentation for a complete list of available modes.

For example, enable step debugging on fpm service:

$ XDEBUG_MODE=debug make dev

Or on a PHP CLI script:

$ XDEBUG_MODE=debug docker-compose run --rm php php my-script.php

If you are using PHPStorm, open the settings windows and go to Languages & Framework > PHP > Servers. Then add two servers name pim-docker-web and pim-docker-cli.

Configure xdebug on PHPStorm

Host: localhost Port: 8080 PIM files are located in /srv/pim on the php and fpm containers.

#Docker on production

We do not provide a fully ready Docker production image. If you want to build your own Docker production image, you can use our base image:

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