Technical architecture
#How to Use Localizers
Localizers are used to convert a localized attribute to the standard format. E.g. a decimal with a comma separator has to be converted to a dot separator before being inserted into the database.
#How to Register a New Localizer
The Akeneo PIM comes with several native localizers, but provides also a flexible way to define your own localizers.
To add your own localizer, you need to create a class implementing Akeneo\Tool\Component\Localization\Localizer\LocalizerInterface
and declare it as a service:
class: '%my_localizer_class%'
- ['pim_catalog_number']
- { name: pim_catalog.localization.localizer }
The only argument of the service is the list of attribute types supported by your localizer.
#How to Convert Attributes in my Own Import/Export
To convert your localized attribute in your own import, see import.
#How to Add a Decimal Separator in Import/Export
By default, only comma and dot are allowed as the decimal separator in import/export. If you want to add your own separator, you have to configure it in your app/config/config.yml file.
# /app/config/config.yml
- { value: '.', label: 'dot (.)' }
- { value: ',', label: 'comma (,)' }
- { value: '⎖', label: 'apostrophe (⎖)' }
#How to Add a Date Format in Import/Export
Some basic formats have been added in the configuration. If you want to add your own format, you have to configure it in your app/config/config.yml file.
# /app/config/config.yml
- { value: 'yyyy-MM-dd', label: 'yyyy-mm-dd' }
- { value: 'yyyy/MM/dd', label: 'yyyy/mm/dd' }
- { value: 'MM/dd/yyyy', label: 'mm/dd/yyyy' }
- { value: 'dd/MM/yyyy', label: 'dd/mm/yyyy' }
- { value: 'dd.MM.yyyy', label: '' }
The key “value” has to contain characters defined in .
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