Akeneo Onboarder

#How to install the Onboarder bundle

Before starting the installation process, make sure you’ve fulfilled all the prerequisites

#Add the extension dependency to your PIM

Execute the following composer commands to require the bundle:

composer config repositories.onboarder '{"type": "vcs", "url": "ssh://git@distribution.akeneo.com:443/pim-onboarder"}'
composer require "akeneo/pim-onboarder" "^7.0"

Then add the following to your composer.json “scripts” part:

"post-update-cmd": [
"post-install-cmd": [

#Enable the extension

Register the newly installed PIM Onboarder bundle in your config/bundles.php

return [
    // Add your bundles here with the associated env.
    // Ex:
    // Acme\Bundle\AppBundle\AcmeAppBundle::class => ['dev' => true, 'test' => true, 'prod' => true]
    Akeneo\Onboarder\Bundle\PimOnboarderBundle::class => ['all' => true],

#Build the UI

Clear the Symfony cache and execute the following command to build the UI:

rm -rf var/cache/*
bin/console cache:warmup --env=prod
rm -rf public/bundles public/js
bin/console pim:installer:assets --clean --env=prod
rm -rf public/css
yarn run less
rm -rf public/dist
yarn run webpack
yarn run update-extensions

#Make the credential files accessible to Akeneo PIM software

In the parameters package the Akeneo team put a serviceAccount.json credential file used for Google Cloud PubSub and Google Cloud Storage authentication.

Make sure to rename the file from serviceAccount.json to onboarderServiceAccount.json and upload it to the server which is hosting your PIM.

This file must be accessible (read rights) by the system user that runs the pim (example: www-data).

#Check your .env file

AKENEO_PIM_URL=<URL of the pim>
APP_DATABASE_HOST=<database host>
APP_DATABASE_NAME=<database name>
APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD=<database password>
APP_DATABASE_PORT=<database port>
APP_DATABASE_USER=<database user>

#Set the configuration values

To configure your PIM to work with the Onboarder, we use environment variables.

How to define environment variables

Here are two examples in order to define environment variables:

All the following variables must be set in order to configure the Onboarder correctly for all entry points, all processes that runs the PIM code source.

Variables provided by the Akeneo team


Set to the value 1


Absolute filesystem path to the onboarderServiceAccount.json file provided by the Akeneo team. We advise to use it only in production.


Pub/Sub topic name to send messages to the middleware.


Pub/Sub topic name to send messages to the supplier Onboarder.


Pub/Sub topic name to receive messages from the middleware.


Pub/Sub queue name.


Identifier of the bucket used to share files between your PIM and the middleware.

The values for the variables prefixed by ONBOARDER_ are generated (except ONBOARDER_GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS). You can find them in the Partners Portal, under the “Properties” tab of your Onboarder project.

Optional variables


Use this if you want to use a Pub/Sub emulator during development. In this case you don’t need the onboarderServiceAccount.json file neither set the ONBOARDER_GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS variable.

#Setup database tables

Before setup the database, please run the following command to clear your cache and install new assets:

$ rm -rf var/cache; bin/console pim:install:asset --env=prod; yarn run webpack

The akeneo/pim-onboarder extension needs some extra tables. Please run the following command to install them:

$ php bin/console akeneo:onboarder:setup-database --env=prod

Once the installation done, please read the documentation about the synchronization.

#Create Elasticsearch index for pre ref products

A new Elasticsearch index is needed for pre ref products. In order to create it, please run the following command:

$ bin/console akeneo:elasticsearch:reset-indexes --index pim_onboarder_pre_ref_product --env=prod

You do not need to reindex anything at this point, even if the reset-indexes command proposes you to do so.

#Setup synchronization

Now that you have a working Onboarder bundle, you have to setup synchronization

#Fix errors and broken installation

In some cases the installation of onboarder on Flexibility environments might break the instance. If you end up with a broken instance, please execute this process to upgrade your package.json, reinstall the correct version of yarn modules and clean your cache.

cp vendor/akeneo/pim-enterprise-dev/std-build/package.json package.json
cp vendor/akeneo/pim-enterprise-dev/yarn.lock yarn.lock
rm -rf node_modules
yarn install
partners_php8.1-fpm restart
rm -rf var/cache/* ./public/bundles/* ./public/css/* ./public/js/*
bin/console pim:installer:assets
bin/console cache:warmup
yarn run less
make javascript-prod
make javascript-extensions

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