#Troubleshooting guide
#Auto_increment reaches max value for pim_catalog_completeness table
Impacted versions: PIM <= 5.0
After some time, the completeness table auto_increment identifier could reach the defined maximum. We made a fix to to allow for a lot more identifier in PIM-9750 ticket but for older database schema, you must apply this fix with the following MySql ALTER command:
ALTER TABLE pim_catalog_completeness MODIFY id bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
#Asset family identifiers stored with a different case in attributes properties (EE only)
Impacted versions: PIM EE <= 5.0
We fixed the attributes import to sanitize the asset family identifiers in PIM-9753, and you may need to fix data already stored in database with the following clean command:
bin/console --env=prod pim:asset-manager:clean-asset-family-in-asset-collection-attributes
#Asset & Asset family codes being case-sensitive (EE only)
Impacted versions: PIM EE <= 5.0
The Asset index mapping has been updated to be case-insensitive on the Asset & Asset family codes. You may need to reset your index and re-index all Assets:
bin/console akeneo:elasticsearch:reset-indexes --index=akeneo_assetmanager_asset
bin/console akeneo:asset-manager:index-assets --all
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