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#How to translate the user interface?

We use Crowdin to translate the PIM.


#How to translate?

You have to create an account and begin to translate in your favorite language on Crowdin. You need a proofreading permission to validate the strings, so your translation will be included in the PIM. Each language with more than 80% of valid translations are automatically translated with Nelson each week, and will be available in the next patch.

#Your language is not available on Crowdin?

As Akeneo PIM is Open Source, we will be glad to welcome new languages for our application. Don’t hesitate to ask to a Crowdin administrator to add your language to the available languages list of Crowdin. We remind you that only languages validated in more than 80% will be synchronized in Akeneo PIM.

#How to use a partially translated language in your application?

We strongly encourage you to use the default way: validate translations in more than 80% and wait for the next patch. Indeed, a partially translated PIM will contain a lot of non translated strings in many places of your application and can lead to a very bad user experience.

By default, Akeneo PIM only displays and synchronizes languages validated in more than 80%. If you have access to the code of your application, you can however set your user interface with another language:

Start by downloading the complete archive of all the managed translations in Crowdin here and extract it.

Then, copy the translations in the right folders:

cp -r crowdin_archive/master/Community/* your_app/vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/

If you use the Enterprise Edition, run this command too:

cp -r crowdin_archive/master/Enterprise/* your_app/vendor/akeneo/pim-enterprise-dev/

Then, update the parameters of your_app/vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/src/Akeneo/Platform/Bundle/UIBundle/Resources/config/locale_provider.yml to change the minimum percentage and add your new language (here, 10% and Hungarian):

pim_localization.provider.ui_locale.min_percentage: 0.1
pim_localization.provider.ui_locale.locale_codes:   ['en_US', 'fr_FR', ... 'hu_HU']

Then, rebuild your front, and you will see the new languages available!

rm -rf var/cache/* public/bundles public/dist
bin/console pim:installer:assets --symlink --clean
yarn run webpack

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