Technical overview

#Teamwork Assistant Scalability Guide

For the moment, the pre-processing data are computed once you save a project, when you save a product concerned by a project from the Product Edit Form and the sequential edit. Moreover, a command php bin/console pimee:project:recalculate is provided to help you to recalculate data according to your needs.

This scalability guide will focus on how to use the Teamwork Assistant functionally (how much projects in the same time, etc.) and technically (how to use the recalculate command) in a healthy way.

To know more about the project completeness visit the project completeness reference.

#Computing Project Completeness

Before beginning to work with the Teamwork Assistant, you must be aware that this feature has to compute a lot of data. The more products and attribute groups you have in a project, the more time project completeness computing will take. We did some benchmarks with our medium catalog on MySQL to give you an idea of the time it can take. A medium catalog is about 3,66 millions of product values.

In this benchmark the catalog contained 5 users with read/edit permissions on all 15 attribute groups and 5 users with read/edit permissions on 7 attribute groups.

Project size (products)

time spent to compute

50k products (3,6m product values) 50k products already calculated 5k products 5k products already calculated

3h 36m 30s 45m 30s 19 min 10 sec 4 min 18 sec

Here are the server’s features used for the bench: CPU: Intel E3-1220 V2 @ 3.1GHZ (4 cores) RAM: 16 GB Disk: SATA 3 - 7200 RPM disks

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