More than 10k attributes?ΒΆ

The number of attributes may impact performances of Akeneo PIM in several ways. We’ve tested performances with a set of 10k attributes in total (not 10k attributes per product).


We’ve already improved different screens and processes but we are still experiencing different issues with 10k attributes and a low amount of families and categories.

The impacted screens are the following:
  • [Fixed v1.6.0] (PIM-5401) the attributes popin in variant group page (Community Edition)
  • [Fixed v1.6.0] (PIM-5283) use the same edit form system than product for the variant group edit (Community Edition)
  • [Fixed v1.7.0] (PIM-5212) the attributes popin in family edit page (Community Edition)
  • [TODO] (PIM-6118) the configure step of the family / mass edit / requirements (Community Edition)
  • [TODO] (PIM-6094) the attributes popin in attribute group edit page (Community Edition)

If you plan to use the PIM with more than 10k attributes, please contact us.

You may be interested in More than 500 attributes usable in the product grids?