Manipulate the Akeneo PIM data

#How to Register a New Mass Edit Action on Products

The Akeneo PIM comes with a number of mass edit actions. It also comes with a flexible way to define your own mass edit actions on selected products.


The mass edit action uses the BatchBundle in order to run mass edit in the background. Readers and Writers are already created so in this cookbook we will focus on how to create a Mass Edit Action and create a Processor. For more information on how to create Jobs, Readers, Processors, or Writers please see Import and Export data.

#Phase 1: Create the Operation

Operations are designed to build and transport the configuration (eventually via a form) that will be sent to the background job. No item is updated from here!

The first step is to create a new class in the Operation folder that extends AbstractMassEditOperation and declare this new class as a service in the mass_actions.yml file.

// /src/Acme/Bundle/CustomMassActionBundle/MassEditAction/Operation/CapitalizeValues.php

namespace Acme\Bundle\CustomMassActionBundle\MassEditAction\Operation;

use Pim\Bundle\EnrichBundle\MassEditAction\Operation\AbstractMassEditOperation;

class CapitalizeValues extends AbstractMassEditOperation
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getOperationAlias()
        return 'capitalize-values';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getFormType()
        return 'acme_custom_mass_action_operation_capitalize_values';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getFormOptions()
        return [];

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getActions()
        return [
            'field'   => 'name',
            'options' => ['locale' => null, 'scope' => null]
2 things will be sent to the Job:
  • actions: the raw configuration actions, you define what you want here. It will be available within your Job. That’s what getActions() is used for. Here actions are hard-coded, but it could be generated by another method or something else.
  • filters: the selection filter to tell the job which items it will work on. It’s used by the Reader.

Once the Operation is created, you must register it as a service in the DI with the pim_enrich.mass_edit_action tag:

# /src/Acme/Bundle/CustomMassActionBundle/Resources/config/mass_actions.yml
        public: false
        class: Acme\Bundle\CustomMassActionBundle\MassEditAction\Operation\CapitalizeValues
            - 'mass_edit_capitalize_values'
                name: pim_enrich.mass_edit_action
                alias: capitalize-values
                acl: pim_enrich_product_edit_attributes
                datagrid: product-grid
                operation_group: mass-edit
                form_type: acme_custom_mass_action_operation_capitalize_values

As you can see, the tag needs several parameters:

  • name: Tag name to identify all mass edit operations in the PIM
  • alias: Alias of the operation, should be unique among your operations
  • acl: The ACL the operation is linked to
  • datagrid: The datagrid name this operation appears on
  • form_type: The FormType name this operation uses to be configured
  • operation_group: The group the operation belongs to (to regroup operations, see below screenshot)
Operation group dropdown

The alias will be used in the URL (/enrich/mass-edit-action/capitalize-values/configure)

#Phase 2: Create the Form extension

For this step, you’ll need to register a new form extension in /src/Acme/Bundle/CustomMassActionBundle/Ressources/config/form_extensions/mass_edit/product.yml:

        module: pim/mass-edit-form/product/custom
        parent: pim-mass-product-edit
        position: 210
        targetZone: custom
            title: pim_enrich.mass_edit.product.step.custom.title
            label: pim_enrich.mass_edit.product.operation.custom.label
            labelCount: pim_enrich.mass_edit.product.custom.label_count
            description: pim_enrich.mass_edit.product.operation.custom.description
            code: custom
            jobInstanceCode: custom
            icon: icon-custom

The Mass Edit should be defined with at least code, label, icon and jobInstanceCode in the config array. The combination of the code, label and icon define the Operation. The jobInstanceCode is the code of the background job.

Then, you will have to create a requirejs module for this extension (/src/Acme/Bundle/CustomMassActionBundle/Ressources/public/js/mass-edit/form/product/custom.js) :

'use strict';

    function (
    ) {
        return BaseOperation.extend({
            template: _.template(template),

             * {@inheritdoc}
            render: function () {

                return this;

Finally, you will have to require your custom module into the /src/Acme/Bundle/CustomMassActionBundle/Ressources/config/requirejs.yml.

        pim/mass-edit-form/product/custom: pimacme/js/mass-edit/form/product/custom

#Phase 3: Create the Processor

Well! Now the user can select the Operation to launch it. The Operation will send its config (filters, and actions) to a background job process. Now we have to write the Processor that will handle product modifications.

The Processor receives products one by one, given by the Reader:

// /src/Acme/Bundle/CustomMassActionBundle/Connector/Processor/MassEdit/Product/CapitalizeValuesProcessor.php

namespace Acme\Bundle\CustomMassActionBundle\Connector\Processor\MassEdit\Product;

use Akeneo\Component\StorageUtils\Updater\PropertySetterInterface;
use Pim\Bundle\EnrichBundle\Connector\Processor\AbstractProcessor;
use Pim\Component\Catalog\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Pim\Component\Catalog\Model\ProductInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ValidatorInterface;

class CapitalizeValuesProcessor extends AbstractProcessor
    /** @var PropertySetterInterface */
    protected $propertySetter;

    /** @var ValidatorInterface */
    protected $validator;

     * @param PropertySetterInterface $propertySetter
     * @param ValidatorInterface      $validator
    public function __construct(PropertySetterInterface $propertySetter, ValidatorInterface $validator)
        $this->propertySetter = $propertySetter;
        $this->validator      = $validator;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function process($product)
        /** @var ProductInterface $product */

        // This is where you put your custom logic. Here we work on a
        // $product the Reader gave us.

        // This is the configuration we receive from our Operation
        $actions = $this->getConfiguredActions();

        // Retrieve custom config from the action
        $field = $actions['field'];
        $options = $actions['options'];

        // Capitalize the attribute value of the product
        $originalValue    = $product->getValue($field)->getData();
        $capitalizedValue = strtoupper($originalValue);

        // Use the property setter to update the product
        $newData = ['field' => $field, 'value' => $capitalizedValue, 'options' => $options];
        $this->setData($product, [$newData]);

        // Validate the product
        if (null === $product || (null !== $product && !$this->isProductValid($product))) {

            return null; // By returning null, the product won't be saved by the Writer

        // Used on the Reporting Screen to have a summary on the Mass Edit execution

        return $product; // Send the product to the Writer to be saved

     * Validate the product and raise a warning if not
     * @param ProductInterface $product
     * @return bool
    protected function isProductValid(ProductInterface $product)
        $violations = $this->validator->validate($product);
        $this->addWarningMessage($violations, $product);

        return 0 === $violations->count();

     * Set data from $actions to the given $product
     * @param ProductInterface $product
     * @param array            $actions
     * @return CapitalizeValuesProcessor
    protected function setData(ProductInterface $product, array $actions)
        foreach ($actions as $action) {
            $this->propertySetter->setData($product, $action['field'], $action['value'], $action['options']);

        return $this;

Again, register the newly created class:

# /src/Acme/Bundle/CustomMassActionBundle/Resources/config/processors.yml
        class: Acme\Bundle\CustomMassActionBundle\Connector\Processor\MassEdit\Product\CapitalizeValuesProcessor
            - '@pim_catalog.updater.product_property_setter'
            - '@pim_catalog.validator.product'

#Phase 4: Create the background Job

The Step will run 3 steps: Read, Process & Write. In this cookbook, we use existing Reader and Writer.

We just wrote the Processor in the previous phase, so let’s tell the Job which services to use!

First of all you need to define a new job as follows:

# /src/Acme/Bundle/CustomMassActionBundle/Resources/config/jobs.yml
        class: '%pim_connector.job.simple_job.class%'
            - 'mass_edit_capitalize_values'
            - '@event_dispatcher'
            - '@akeneo_batch.job_repository'
                - '@acme_custom_mass_action.step.capitalize_values.mass_edit'
            - { name: akeneo_batch.job, connector: '%pim_enrich.connector_name.mass_edit%', type: '%pim_enrich.job.mass_edit_type%' }

Then you need to define your step with the proper Reader, Processor and Writer.

# /src/Acme/Bundle/CustomMassActionBundle/Resources/config/steps.yml
        class: '%pim_connector.step.item_step.class%'
            - 'mass_edit_capitalize_values'
            - '@event_dispatcher'
            - '@akeneo_batch.job_repository'
            - '@pim_connector.reader.database.product'
            - '@acme_custom_mass_action.mass_edit.capitalize_values.processor'
            - '@pim_connector.writer.database.product'

You also need to set job parameters:

# /src/Acme/Bundle/CustomMassActionBundle/Resources/config/job_parameters.yml
        class: '%pim_enrich.connector.job.job_parameters.default_values_provider.product_mass_edit.class%'
            - ['mass_edit_capitalize_values']
            - { name: akeneo_batch.job.job_parameters.default_values_provider }

        class: '%pim_enrich.connector.job.job_parameters.constraint_collection_provider.product_mass_edit.class%'
            - ['mass_edit_capitalize_values']
            - { name: akeneo_batch.job.job_parameters.constraint_collection_provider }

The Job has to be in your database, so add it to your fixtures:

# /src/Acme/Bundle/CustomMassActionBundle/Resources/fixtures/jobs.yml
        connector: Akeneo Mass Edit Connector
        alias:     mass_edit_capitalize_values
        label:     Mass capitalize products value
        type:      mass_edit

To better understand how to handle this, you can read this chapter: Add your Own Data

If your installation is already set up, use the akeneo:batch:create-job command:

php bin/console akeneo:batch:create-job "Akeneo Mass Edit Connector" "mass_edit_capitalize_values" "mass_edit" "mass_edit_capitalize_values" '{}' "Mass capitalize product values"

For Enterprise Edition version, see Phase 6 to add job profile permissions in pimee_security_job_profile_access table.

#Phase 5: Translating the Mass Edit Action Choice

Once you have realized the previous operations (and eventually cleared your cache), you should see a new option on the /enrich/mass-edit-action/choose page.

Akeneo will generate for you a translation key following this pattern: pim_enrich.mass_edit_action.%alias%.label.

You may now define some translation keys (label, description, success_flash...) in your translations catalog(s).

# /src/Acme/Bundle/CustomMassActionBundle/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml
        label: Capitalize values
        description: The selected product(s) will have capitalized values
        launched_flash: The bulk action "capitalize values" has been launched. You will be notified when it is done.
        success_flash: Product(s) values have been updated

            label: Capitalize values

#Phase 6: Add user groups permissions to job profiles (ENTERPRISE EDITION)

In Enterprise Edition version, job profiles are managed with user groups permissions, so you need to add these permissions. To deal with these permissions, you have 3 tables:

  • akeneo_batch_job_instance: which stores the job profiles
  • oro_access_group: which stored the user groups
  • pimee_security_job_profile_access: which stores the permissions (this table only exists in Enterprise Edition)

You have to get your job instance (job profile) code from the first table, get the user groups from your second table and then execute an insert SQL query to add these permissions. It will be something like:

INSERT INTO pimee_security_job_profile_access VALUES ('', <job_profile_id>, <user_group_id>, 1, 1);

The two last numbers means you give respectively ‘edit’ and ‘execution’ permissions. Otherwise add ‘0’.

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