Design the user interfaces
#How to add a tab to a form
The most common UI customization on the Akeneo PIM is to add a tab in your form. With the form extensions introduced in 1.4 we splitted tabs in distinct elements:
- Vertical tabs updates the main content of the page, keeping the same entity context. You can find vertical tabs on the product edit form.
- Horizontal tabs show several information, by staying in the same page. You can find horizontal tabs in a lot of forms (e.g. edit import profile).
In this next image, you can see the difference between a vertical tab and an horizontal tab.
#Add a vertical tab to the product edit form
Let’s say that we would like to add a custom tab to our product edit form in order to manage packages of the product.
First, we need to create a form extension in our bundle:
'use strict';
* /src/Acme/Bundle/EnrichBundle/Resources/public/js/product/form/packages.js
function (BaseForm) {
return BaseForm.extend({
configure: function () {
this.trigger('tab:register', {
code: this.code,
isVisible: this.isVisible.bind(this),
label: 'Packages tab'
return BaseForm.prototype.configure.apply(this, arguments);
render: function () {
this.$el.html('Hello world');
return this;
isVisible: function () {
return true;
The triggered event tab:register automatically register a new tab and will add it to the product edit form column.
For now this is a dummy extension, but this is a good start!
Let’s register this file in the requirejs configuration
# /src/Acme/Bundle/EnrichBundle/Resources/config/requirejs.yml
pim/product-edit-form/packages: acmeenrich/js/product/form/packages
Now that our file is registered in requirejs configuration, we can add this extension to the product edit form:
# /src/Acme/Bundle/EnrichBundle/Resources/config/form_extensions/product_edit.yml
pim-product-edit-form-packages: # The form extension code (can be whatever you want)
module: pim/product-edit-form/packages # The requirejs module we just created
parent: pim-product-edit-form-column-tabs # The parent extension in the form where we want to be registered
targetZone: container # The name of the target zone where the element have to be placed
position: 90 # The extension position
After a cache clear (bin/console cache:clear), you should see your new tab in the product edit form. If not, make sure that you ran the bin/console assets:install –symlink web command.
Now that we have our extension loaded in our form, we can add some logic into it
'use strict';
* /src/Acme/Bundle/EnrichBundle/Resources/public/js/product/form/packages.js
define(['underscore', 'oro/translator', 'pim/form', 'pim/template/product/tab/packages'],
function (_, __, BaseForm, template) {
return BaseForm.extend({
template: _.template(template),
configure: function () {
this.trigger('tab:register', {
code: this.code,
isVisible: this.isVisible.bind(this),
label: __('')
return BaseForm.prototype.configure.apply(this, arguments);
render: function () {
packages: this.getFormData().packages
return this;
isVisible: function () {
return true; // You can define visibility of the tab at runtime with the return of this method
Remember to register your template in your requirejs file:
# /src/Acme/Bundle/EnrichBundle/Resources/config/requirejs.yml
pim/product-edit-form/packages: acmeenrich/js/product/form/packages
pim/template/product/tab/packages: acmeenrich/templates/product/tab/packages.html
And here is our template to list every package:
# /src/Acme/Bundle/EnrichBundle/Resources/public/templates/product/tab/packages.html
<% _.each(packages, function (package) { %>
<li><%= %></li>
<% }) %>
#Add an horizontal tab
Now that we added a tab to the product edit form, adding an horizontal tab will be very easy as it’s a quite similar system. For this cookbook we will create a tab to display additional information of an attribute.
Lets start by creating a form extension:
'use strict';
* /src/Acme/Bundle/EnrichBundle/Resources/public/js/attributes/form/tab/additional.js
define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'oro/translator', 'pim/form', 'pim/template/attribute/tab/additional'],
function ($, _, __, BaseForm, template) {
return BaseForm.extend({
template: _.template(template),
configure: function () {
this.trigger('tab:register', {
code: this.code,
label: __('')
return BaseForm.prototype.configure.apply(this, arguments);
render: function () {
.then(function (supplyLevel) {
supplyLevel: supplyLevel
return this;
Again, we need to register it and create the template:
# /src/Acme/Bundle/EnrichBundle/Resources/public/templates/attributes/tab/additional.html
<%= supplyLevel %>
# /src/Acme/Bundle/EnrichBundle/Resources/config/requirejs.yml
pim/attributes/tab/additional: acmeenrich/js/attributes/form/tab/additional
pim/template/attribute/tab/additional: acmeenrich/templates/attributes/tab/additional.html
# /src/Acme/Bundle/EnrichBundle/Resources/config/form_extensions/attribute/edit.yml
pim-attribute-edit-form-additional: # The form extension code (can be whatever you want)
module: pim/attributes/tab/additional # The requirejs module we just created
parent: pim-attribute-edit-form-form-tabs # The parent extension in the form where we want to be registered
targetZone: container
position: 90 # The extension position
To see your changes you need to clear the PIM cache and run webpack again:
rm -rf ./var/cache/*
yarn run webpack
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