Design the user interfaces

#How to add a new page

In this document, we will see the basics on how to add a new page in Akeneo PIM. We will - create a new route to this page - fill this page with some information - create a link to this page

#Create a new route

First, create a new back-end route to access your new page. Even if the routing is done by front-end, we keep the legacy route declarations in the back-end because they still are dumped from it.

# /src/Acme/Bundle/AppBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml
    path: /acme/custom/

#Create the page content

Then, you have to create an empty page as a form extension. This will create a simple view with the default template.

# src/Acme/Bundle/AppBundle/Resources/config/form_extensions/custom-index.yml
      module: pim/common/simple-view
          template: pim/template/common/default-template

#Create the controller

Then, create your controller and register it. This controller will render a page form extension, with the extension declared above.

// /src/Acme/Bundle/AppBundle/Resources/public/js/controller/custom.js
'use strict';
define(['pim/controller/front', 'pim/form-builder'],
    function (BaseController, FormBuilder) {
        return BaseController.extend({
            renderForm: function (route) {
                return'acme-custom-index').then((form) => {
# /src/Acme/Bundle/AppBundle/Resources/config/requirejs.yml
        acme/custom: acmeapp/js/controller/custom

                    module: acme/custom

The name of the controller route (acme_custom_index) you defined in the controller registry has to be the same as the one you declared in back-end routes.

#Link it

Finally, add a new item in the menu to access your page. You can have more information in How to customize the main menu.

# /src/Acme/Bundle/AppBundle/Resources/config/form_extensions/menu.yml
        module: pim/menu/tab
        parent: pim-menu
        position: 100
        targetZone: mainMenu
            title: 'Custom'
            iconModifier: iconCard
            to: acme_custom_index

To view your changes, you have to dump new routes and rebuild assets:

$ bin/console --env=prod pim:installer:assets --symlink --clean
$ yarn run less
$ yarn run webpack

You will have your new item on the main menu, and when you click on it, it will display an empty page. You can now add some extensions with acme-custom-index as parent to display your custom elements.

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