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#How to report an issue?
#Report a Bug
As a prerequisite, make sure you completed all the steps described in our First aid kit.
Community Edition
Check if the issue is reproducible on Demo website
Check if this issue is already known
Clone the development repository and checkout the branch of the version you want to test
Reproduce the bug
Gather as much information as possible by following our Bug qualification guide
Create a new GitHub issue which:
Clearly describes the issue in its title
Describes the steps to reproduce the bug
Provides the PIM system information available under System > System information
Provides as much information as possible on your environment (OS, PHP version, browser)
Enterprise Edition
Gather as much information as possible by following our Bug qualification guide
Raise an issue by using your Service Desk Account
Attach the PIM system information file to your request (it is available under System > System information > TXT)
Submit your request on our Helpdesk
#Submit a Feature Request
You can suggest any feature here by using our Helpdesk , section Akeneo PIM > I want to suggest an improvement or a new feature
After discussion, this feature could be included in our roadmap.
#Suggest a Technical Improvement
Check if this improvement is already discussed:
Create a new Github issue that:
clearly describes the improvement
write some sample code
Found a typo or a hole in the documentation and feel like contributing?
Join us on Github!