How to translate the user interface?¶
We use Crowdin to translate the PIM.
How to translate?¶
You have to create an account and begin to translate in your favorite language on Crowdin. You need a proofreading permission to validate the strings, so your translation will be included in the PIM. Each language with more than 80% of valid translations are automatically translated with Nelson each week, and will be available in the next patch.
Your language is not available on Crowdin?¶
As Akeneo PIM is Open Source, we will be glad to welcome new languages for our application. Don’t hesitate to ask to a Crowdin administrator to add your language to the available languages list of Crowdin. We remind you that only languages validated in more than 80% will be synchronized in Akeneo PIM.
How to use a partially translated language in your application?¶
We strongly encourage you to use the default way: validate translations in more than 80% and wait for the next patch. Indeed, a partially translated PIM will contain a lot of non translated strings in many places of your application and can lead to a very bad user experience.
By default, Akeneo PIM only displays and synchronizes languages validated in more than 80%. If you have access to the code of your application, you can however set your user interface with another language:
Start by downloading the complete archive of all the managed translations in Crowdin here and extract it.
Then, copy the translations in the right folders:
cp -r crowdin_archive/5.0/Community/* your_app/vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/
If you use the Enterprise Edition, run this command too:
cp -r crowdin_archive/5.0/Enterprise/* your_app/vendor/akeneo/pim-enterprise-dev/
Then, update the parameters of your_app/vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/src/Akeneo/Platform/Bundle/UIBundle/Resources/config/locale_provider.yml to change the minimum percentage and add your new language (here, 10% and Hungarian):
pim_localization.provider.ui_locale.min_percentage: 0.1
pim_localization.provider.ui_locale.locale_codes: ['en_US', 'fr_FR', ... 'hu_HU']
Then, rebuild your front, and you will see the new languages available!
rm -rf var/cache/* public/bundles public/dist
bin/console pim:installer:assets --symlink --clean
yarn run webpack
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