Import and Export data
#Options data structure
Options are exported in a CSV file with the following structure:
attribute (required): the linked attribute code
code (required): the option code
sort_order: Option rank in the dropdown lists
label-<locale_code>: each label in a dedicated column (See Localized labels)
File example:
attribute;code;sort_order;label-en_US;label-fr_FR maximum_print_size;210_x_1219_mm;1;210 x 1219 mm;210 x 1219 mm maximum_print_size;215_x_355_mm;2;215 x 355 mm;215 x 355 mm sensor_type;ccd;1;CCD;CCD sensor_type;cmos;2;CMOS;CMOS camera_type;bridge;1;Bridge;Bridge camera_type;compact;2;Compact;Compact main_color;white;1;White;Blanc main_color;black;2;Black;Noir main_color;grey;3;Grey;Gris main_color;blue;4;Blue;Bleu main_color;purple;5;Purple;Violet main_color;orange;6;Orange;Orange
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