Import and Export data

#Product model data structure

Product models are exported in a file with the following fields.

Attributes fields can be one of these:

  • code (required): the product model code

  • clothing_size: size option code for a simple select option

  • description-<locale_code>-<channel>: localizable and scopable attribute for channel mobile one row by local_code dans channel

  • name-<locale_code>: localizable attribute one row by local_code

  • price-<currency>: numeric price value for this currency (example: price-EUR)

  • tshirt_style: list of option codes for a multi select option list

Product properties fields:

  • categories: list of category codes

  • family_variant (required): the family variant code

  • parent: product model code parent

File example:

amor;clothing_colorsize;;master_men_blazers,supplier_zaro;;;summer_2016;;;;;;Heritage jacket navy blue tweed suit with single breasted 2 button. 53% wool, 22% polyester, 18% acrylic, 5% nylon, 1% cotton, 1% viscose. Dry Cleaning uniquement.Le mannequin measuring 1m85 and wears UK size 40, size 50 FR;;;;;;;Amor;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Heritage jacket navy;;;999.00;;;;;;;zaro;;;;;;800;;
brooksblue;shoes_size;;master_men_shoes;;;summer_2017;blue;;;;;Brooks blue;;;;;;;Brooks blue;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Brooks blue;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Brooks blue;;;;
brookspink;shoes_size;;master_women_shoes;;;summer_2017;pink;;;;;Brooks pink;;;;;;;Brooks pink;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Brooks pink;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Brooks pink;;;;

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