Import and Export data

#Understanding the Product Export

It’s a good start to understand the overall architecture and how to re-use or replace some parts. You can now natively export data into CSV and XLSX format.

#Definition of the Job

The product export is defined in src/Akeneo/Pim/Enrichment/Bundle/Resources/config/jobs.yml.

    ## CSV export
        class: 'Akeneo\Tool\Component\Batch\Job\Job'
            - 'csv_product_export' # The job name
            - '@event_dispatcher'
            - '@akeneo_batch.job_repository'
                - '@pim_connector.step.csv_product.export' # The product export step
                - '@akeneo.job_automation.connector.step.upload' # The upload step
            - true # Does the job is stoppable ?
            - { name: akeneo_batch.job, connector: 'Akeneo CSV Connector', type: 'export' }

## XLSX export
    class: 'Akeneo\Tool\Component\Batch\Job\Job'
        - 'xlsx_product_export'
        - '@event_dispatcher'
        - '@akeneo_batch.job_repository'
            - '@pim_connector.step.xlsx_product.export'
            - '@akeneo.job_automation.connector.step.upload'
        - true
        - { name: akeneo_batch.job, connector: 'Akeneo XLSX Connector', type: 'export' }

With the type parameter, we can see that this job is an export.

#Product Export Step

The purpose of this step is to read products from database, to transform product objects to array and write lines in a csv file.

All steps service definitions are defined in src/Akeneo/Pim/Enrichment/Bundle/Resources/config/steps.yml.

        class: 'Akeneo\Tool\Component\Batch\Step\ItemStep'
            - 'export' # Export name
            - '@event_dispatcher'
            - '@akeneo_batch.job_repository'
            - '@pim_connector.reader.database.product' # Reader
            - '@pim_connector.processor.normalization.product' # Processor
            - '@pim_connector.writer.file.csv_product' # Writer
            - 10 # Batch size
            - '@akeneo_batch.job.job_stopper'

        class: 'Akeneo\Tool\Component\Batch\Step\ItemStep'
            - 'export'
            - '@event_dispatcher'
            - '@akeneo_batch.job_repository'
            - '@pim_connector.reader.database.product' # Reader
            - '@pim_connector.processor.normalization.product' # Processor
            - '@pim_connector.writer.file.xlsx_product' # Writer
            - 10 # Batch size
            - '@akeneo_batch.job.job_stopper'

An ItemStep always contains 3 elements:

  • Akeneo\Tool\Bundle\BatchBundle\Item\ItemReaderInterface

  • Akeneo\Tool\Bundle\BatchBundle\Item\ItemProcessorInterface

  • Akeneo\Tool\Bundle\BatchBundle\Item\ItemWriterInterface

We provide here specific implementations for these elements, the services are declared with aliases pim_connector.reader.database.product, pim_connector.processor.normalization.product, pim_connector.writer.file.csv_product.

#Product Reader

This element reads products from database and returns objects one by one.

The service is defined in src/Akeneo/Pim/Enrichment/Bundle/Resources/config/readers.yml.

The product reader now uses the ProductQueryBuilder, it means that you can now finely select which products to export with the ProductQueryBuilder filters.

        class: 'Akeneo\Pim\Enrichment\Component\Product\Connector\Reader\Database\ProductReader'
            - '@pim_catalog.query.product_query_builder_factory_for_reading_purpose'
            - ''
            - '@pim_catalog.converter.metric'

#Product Processor

This element receives product objects one by one, transforms each product object into an array and returns the array.

The service is defined in src/Akeneo/Pim/Enrichment/Bundle/Resources/config/processors.yml.

        class: 'Akeneo\Pim\Enrichment\Component\Product\Connector\Processor\Normalization\ProductProcessor'
            - '@pim_catalog.normalizer.standard.product'
            - ''
            - '@pim_catalog.repository.attribute'
            - '@pim_catalog.product_model.fill_missing_values'
            - '@akeneo.pim.structure.query.get_attributes'
            - '@pim_connector.processor.normalization.get_normalized_product_quality_scores'

The class Akeneo\Pim\Enrichment\Component\Product\Connector\Processor\Normalization\ProductProcessor mainly delegates the transformation to the service pim_catalog.normalizer.standard.product.

We can see here that we normalize each product into the standard format. It is the writer’s responsibility to convert the standard format to the flat format. (cf How to clean a CSV file during a Product import)

$productStandard = $this->normalizer->normalize($product, 'json', [
    'channels' => [$channel->getCode()],
    'locales'  => array_intersect(

This service pim_catalog.normalizer.standard.product is declared in src/Akeneo/Pim/Enrichment/Bundle/Resources/config/serializers_standard.yml and uses the Symfony Serializer class.

As a product may not have values for all attributes, depending on the product, the normalized array will contain different keys, for instance,

$product1 = [
    'sku'           => [
        ['data' => 'AKNTS_BPXS', 'locale' => null, 'scope' => null]
    'family'        => 'tshirts',
    'clothing_size' =>
                'locale' => NULL,
                'scope'  => NULL,
                'data'   => 'xs'
    'description' =>
                'locale' => 'en_US',
                'scope'  => 'mobile',
                'data'   => 'Akeneo T-Shirt'

Here is another example:

$product2 = [
    'sku'           => [
        ['data' => 'AKNTS_BPXS', 'locale' => null, 'scope' => null]
    'family'     => 'tshirts',
    'main_color' =>
                'locale' => NULL,
                'scope'  => NULL,
                'data'   => 'black'
    'name' =>
                'locale' => NULL,
                'scope'  => NULL,
                'data'   => 'Akeneo T-Shirt black and purple with short sleeve'

You can find extra information about the Serializer component in the official Symfony documentation

#Product Writer

This element receives products in the standard format, converts them in flat format with the converter and writes the lines in a csv file.

The service is defined in src/Akeneo/Pim/Enrichment/Bundle/Resources/config/steps.yml.

        class: 'Akeneo\Pim\Enrichment\Component\Product\Connector\Writer\File\Csv\ProductWriter'
            - '@pim_connector.array_converter.standard_to_flat.product_localized'
            - '@pim_connector.factory.flat_item_buffer'
            - '@pim_connector.writer.file.product.flat_item_buffer_flusher'
            - '@pim_catalog.repository.attribute'
            - '@pim_connector.writer.file.media_exporter_path_generator'
            - '@akeneo.pim.enrichment.connector.write.file.flat.generate_headers_from_family_codes'
            - '@akeneo.pim.enrichment.connector.write.file.flat.generate_headers_from_attribute_codes'
            - '@pim_enrich.connector.flat_translators.product_translator'
            - '@akeneo_file_storage.repository.file_info'
            - '@akeneo_file_storage.file_storage.filesystem_provider'
            - ['pim_catalog_file', 'pim_catalog_image']

This service first merges all used columns in all the rows, adds missing cells in each row, then writes the csv file.

$products = [
        'sku'                      => 'AKNTS_BPXS',
        'family'                   => 'tshirts',
        'clothing_size'            => 'xs',
        'description-en_US-mobile' => 'Akeneo T-Shirt',
        'main_color'               => '',
        'name'                     => ''
        'sku'                      => 'AKNTS_BPXS',
        'family'                   => 'tshirts',
        'clothing_size'            => '',
        'description-en_US-mobile' => '',
        'main_color'               => 'black',
        'name'                     => 'Akeneo T-Shirt black and purple with short sleeve'

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