Install Akeneo PIM with Docker¶
Akeneo maintains its own Docker images in This document provides step by step instructions to install the PIM with Docker, using these images.
These images are built for development and testing purposes only, and are not intended for production.
These instructions are valid for community edition as well as the enterprise edition.
System requirements¶
Docker and Docker Compose¶
If you don’t already have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system, please refer to the documentation of the GitHub repository.
Setting up your host user¶
The PIM is shared with the containers as a volume.
The akeneo and akeneo-behat containers will have write access to the PIM folder, and they will do so through their docker
This user UID and GID are both 1000:1000, so on Linux hosts it is mandatory that the user of your host machine has 1000:1000 as UID and GID too, otherwise you’ll end up with a non working PIM.
You won’t face this problem on Mac OS and Windows hosts, as those systems use a VM between the host and Docker, which already operates with appropriate UID/GID.
Mandatory folders¶
To accelerate the installation of the PIM dependencies, Composer cache is shared between host and container.
You need to be sure the folder ~/.config/composer
exists on your host before launching the containers. If not, Docker will create it for you, but with root permissions, preventing the container from accessing it. As a result, dependencies installation will fail.
Getting Akeneo PIM¶
You need to download Akeneo PIM. This can be done by downloading the archive from our download page, or from our Portal if you have access to the enterprise edition. It can also be downloaded by cloning it from GitHub ( for projects or to contribute).
Using the Docker images¶
Every flavor (dev or standard, community or enterprise) comes with a Docker Compose file template docker-compose.yml.dist
, ready to be used.
Copy it as docker-compose.yml
and keep it at the root of your project. You may modify it at your convenience, to change the mapping of the ports
if you want Apache to be accessible from a port other that 8080, for instance.
If you intend to run behat tests, create on your host a folder /tmp/behat/screenshots
(or anywhere else according to your compose file) with full read/write access to your user.
Otherwise docker-compose
will create it, but only with root accesses. Then failing behats will be unable to create reports and screenshots.
Run and stop the containers¶
All “docker-compose” commands are to be run from the folder containing the compose file.
Make sure you have the last versions of the images by running:
$ docker-compose pull
To start your containers, run:
$ docker-compose up -d
To stop the containers, run:
$ docker-compose stop
but if you want to completely remove everything (containers, networks and volumes), then run:
$ docker-compose down -v
This, of course, will not delete the Akeneo application you cloned on your machine, only the Docker containers. However, it will destroy the database and everything it contains.
Install and run Akeneo¶
Configure Akeneo¶
First, make sure that Akeneo database settings are as the containers expect.
As you can see below, the database_host
parameter is the name of your MySQL service in the compose file.
# /host/path/to/you/pim/app/config/parameters.yml
database_driver: pdo_mysql
database_host: mysql
database_port: null
database_name: akeneo_pim
database_user: akeneo_pim
database_password: akeneo_pim
locale: en
secret: ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt
# /host/path/to/you/pim/app/config/parameters_test.yml
database_driver: pdo_mysql
database_host: mysql-behat
database_port: null
database_name: akeneo_pim
database_user: akeneo_pim
database_password: akeneo_pim
locale: en
secret: ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt
installer_data: PimInstallerBundle:minimal
You only need to set parameters_test.yml
if you are using akeneo/pim-community-dev
or akeneo/pim-enterprise-dev
. It is not mandatory for using the standard
If you want to use MongoDB storage, add the following to your PIM parameters (like for MySQL, the mongodb_server
parameter corresponds to the name of the MongoDB service in the compose file):
# /host/path/to/you/pim/app/config/parameters.yml and parameters.yml.dist ; the last one is important too, to avoid removal on "composer update"
pim_catalog_product_storage_driver: doctrine/mongodb-odm
mongodb_server: 'mongodb://mongodb:27017'
mongodb_database: akeneo_pim
# /host/path/to/you/pim/app/config/parameters_test.yml
pim_catalog_product_storage_driver: doctrine/mongodb-odm
mongodb_server: 'mongodb://mongodb-behat:27017'
mongodb_database: akeneo_pim
Then activate the DoctrineMongoDBBundle
by uncommenting the following line in app/AppKernel.php
to enable the MongoDB configuration:
$ gedit app/AppKernel.php
new Doctrine\Bundle\MongoDBBundle\DoctrineMongoDBBundle(),
Finally, install the required dependency if you are using Akeneo standard edition (it is already included in the development dependencies of the dev edition):
$ cd /path/to/installation/pim-community-standard
$ php -d memory_limit=3G ../composer.phar --prefer-dist require doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle 3.2.0
Install Akeneo¶
Now, you can initialize Akeneo by running:
$ bin/docker/
$ bin/docker/
Those two bash scripts are just helpers placed in the PIM, in the folder bin/docker
. They execute the following commands (you could do so too if you prefer):
$ docker-compose exec akeneo composer update
This is what the script contains in akeneo/pim-community-dev
or akeneo/pim-enterprise-dev
$ docker-compose exec akeneo app/console --env=prod cache:clear --no-warmup # Those 4 commands clear all the caches of Symfony 2
$ docker-compose exec akeneo app/console --env=dev cache:clear --no-warmup # You could also just perform a "rm -rf app/cache/*"
$ docker-compose exec akeneo-behat app/console --env=behat cache:clear --no-warmup
$ docker-compose exec akeneo-behat app/console --env=test cache:clear --no-warmup
$ docker-compose exec akeneo app/console --env=prod pim:install --force --symlink --clean
$ docker-compose exec akeneo-behat app/console --env=behat pim:installer:db # Run this command only if you want to run behat or integration tests
The version in akeneo/pim-community-standard
or akeneo/pim-enterprise-standard
is simpler as it is not intended to run tests:
$ docker-compose exec akeneo app/console --env=prod cache:clear --no-warmup
$ docker-compose exec akeneo app/console --env=prod pim:install --force --symlink --clean
You should now be able to access Akeneo development environment from your host through ``http://localhost:8080/`` and behat environment through ``http://localhost:8081/``.
Of course, you can change the host port in the compose file. If you do so, don’t forget to run again:
$ docker-compose up -d
Xdebug is deactivated by default. If you want to activate it, you can change the environment variable PHP_XDEBUG_ENABLED
to 1. Then you just have to run docker-compose up -d
Also, you can configure two things on Xdebug through environment variables on akeneo
images. These environment variables are all optional:
: the IDE KEY you want to use (by defaultXDEBUG_IDE_KEY
: your host IP address (by default it allows all IPs)
Run behat tests¶
The tests are to be run inside the containers. Start by configuring Behat as follows:
# /host/path/to/your/pim/behat.yml
features: features
class: Context\FeatureContext
base_url: 'http://akeneo-behat/'
timeout: 10000
window_width: 1280
window_height: 1024
default_session: symfony2
show_cmd: chromium-browser %s
wd_host: 'http://selenium:4444/wd/hub'
base_url: 'http://akeneo-behat/'
files_path: 'features/Context/fixtures/'
env: behat
debug: false
SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\Extension: ~
You are now able to run behat tests.
$ docker-compose exec akeneo-behat bin/behat features/path/to/scenario
What if?¶
I want to see my tests running¶
The docker image selenium/standalone-firefox-debug
comes with a VNC server in it. You need a VNC client, and to connect to localhost:5900
. You will then be able to see you browser and your tests running in it!
I never want to see my tests running¶
In this case, you don’t need to have a VNC server in your selenium container.
You can achieve that simply by replacing the image selenium/standalone-firefox-debug
by selenium/standalone-firefox
. The first is based on the second, simply adding the VNC server.
Don’t forget to also remove the binding on port 5900, now useless as selenium/standalone-firefox
does not expose it.
I want to run my tests in Chrome instead of Firefox¶
Then all you need to do is to replace the image selenium/standalone-firefox-debug
by selenium/standalone-chrome-debug
(or selenium/standalone-chrome
if you don’t want to see the browser in action).