Technical overview

#Users permission summary for Behat tests

In the case you extended the Teamwork Assistant, you may want to check that you didn’t broke basics features. You can have a look to the Setup Behat part to learn more about how to run our functional tests.

Because the Teamwork Assistant heavily uses permissions, we created a custom catalog that we use in our test features. Here is a summary about permissions we use in our catalog. This catalog has been modified in few scenario but it is still mainly the same all over tests.


USERNAME Full name Role User Group Description
admin John Doe ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR Read Only
Julia Julia Stark ROLE_CATALOG_MANAGER Marketing, Technical Clothing, Technical High-Tech
Marc Marc Assin ROLE_CATALOG_MANAGER Technical Clothing, Technical High-Tech Technical manager
Mary Mary Smith ROLE_USER Marketing
Claude Claude Yachifeur ROLE_USER Technical Clothing Technical Clothing redactor
Teddy Teddy Ferant ROLE_USER Technical High-Tech Technical High-Tech redactor
Kathy Kathy Peneflame ROLE_USER Media manager Media manager

#Permissions summary:

USERNAME Categories Attribute groups
admin Read only Read only
Julia Edit on all Edit on all
Marc Edit Clothing & High-Tech / Can’t see Decoration Read Marketing & Media / Edit Technical & Others
Mary Edit Clothing & High-Tech & Decoration Edit Marketing & Others & Media / Read Technical
Claude Edit Clothing / Read High-Tech / Can’t see Decoration Edit Technical & Others & Media / Read Marketing
Teddy None on Clothing & Decoration / Edit High-Tech Edit Technical & Others & Media / Read Marketing
Kathy Edit Clothing & High-Tech & Decoration Edit Media / Read Marketing / Can’t see Technical

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