Technical overview

#Project creation


Projects are the heart of Akeneo Teamwork Assistant. They allow users to know which information they have to fill in a selection of products. In this section, we will understand how a project is created and what are the important steps it goes through during creation.

  • project saved: Via the UI, the user creates a new project, then saves it. A project is saved when the Project entity has been saved in the database.
  • project calculated: Once a project has been saved some background processes are launched. For example, these processes detect impacted users and they compute the project completeness of each product for multiple user groups
    and permissions using calculation steps.

A project is known as created when these two steps are done.

Project created = Project saved + Project calculated

#Project Format

Once normalized, a project looks like this:

array:8 => [
  "label" => "Summer collection 2016"
  "code" => "summer-collection-2016"
  "description" => "Our summer collection 2016 is ready for enrichment."
  "due_date" => "2017-01-27"
  "owner" => [] User to [internal_api] format
  "channel" => [] Channel to [internal_api] format,
  "locale" => [] Locale to [internal_api] format,
  "datagridView" => [] DatagridView [internal_api] format

#Calculation Steps

Once a project is saved, a job is launched in background. The purpose of this job is to compute the completeness and to notify users concerned by the project.

For each product we need to identify the user groups that have the rights to edit the products. Once all the products have been checked, we send a notification to the concerned users (aka the contributors).

The job fills in a table that contains user groups that have permissions to edit at least one attribute of a product that belongs to the project. The job Job contains steps. The main step of the job is the CalculationStep which is used to execute an action between Project and Products. The main goal of this step is to extract data from the product to add information to the project.

To get more information about how to add custom item steps in a job go to this Item Step.

To get more information about how to add custom calculation steps during calculation job go to this Add a calculation step.

#Project Creation Event

The PIM offers an event on which you can plug listeners to add custom behaviors. For example to add notifications, or to trigger special actions. This event is located in the class Akeneo\TeamworkAssistant\Component\Event\ProjectCreationEvents.


This event is dispatched after the end of the job which launches all calculation steps. When this event is dispatched it ensures that all business around a project is finished.

This event is used by the Teamwork Assistant to notify users impacted by the project.

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