Technical overview
#Completeness Widget
With the Teamwork Assistant feature comes a widget in the dashboard. The goal of this widget is to display the completeness for contributors and owner. Displayed data are contextual. It means that the completeness is not the same for each contributor and for the owner. Contributors see completeness depending on their own permissions. The owner sees the full completeness of family requirements.
To know more about the completeness calculation, you can read project calculation.
#Widget extension points?
#Target zones
Unlike the others, the Teamwork Assistant widget has been done with the Product Edit Form architecture, so that it is more customizable and maintainable. It allowed us to create some extension points thanks to target zones.
You can see with this figure that the widget has three target zones to put your own extension. For example, here are the declaration of selectors extensions:
# src/PimEnterprise/Bundle/TeamworkAssistantBundle/Resources/config/form_extensions/widget.yml
# The module of your extension that should be declared in a requirejs.yml file
module: teamwork-assistant/widget/project-selector
# Add your extension to the widget
parent: teamwork-assistant-widget
# Then add your extension in the target zone you want in the widget
targetZone: top-bar-left
# Specify the position in the target zone
position: 100
module: teamwork-assistant/widget/contributor-selector
parent: teamwork-assistant-widget
targetZone: top-bar-left
position: 200
Which position to choose? - To add your extension at the far left the position must be lower than 100. - To add your extension between the project selector and the contributor selector the position must be between 100 and 200. - To add your extension at the far right the position must be above 200.
We did cookbook about how to customize the PEF.
The list of events used in the widget and their descriptions:
is triggered when a user selects a user in the contributor selector. Parameter is the user code.teamwork-assistant:widget:project-selected
is triggered when a user selects a project in the project selector. Parameter is the project code.
#Form model
The form model of the widget is structured like this:
'currentContributorUsername': 'julia', // {String} Contributor username currently selected
'currentContributor': {User}, // {Object} Contributor object currently selected
'currentProjectCode': 'high-tech-collection-2017-mobile-en-us', // {String} Project code currently selected
'currentProject': {Project}, // {Object} Project object currently selected
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